Tuesday, May 10, 2005
This workspace has been created for those who might wish to contribute to the design of technology to reduce herbicide use and farm robots, and to help in some of the considerations, features and technology of the farm robots. Also to possibly help with research for what crops this technology would be best used on initially.
Presently the best apparent application of this technology is not the complete elimination of the use of pesticides and herbicides, but instead the more efficient application of these toxins to minimize their being applied to the wrong surfaces. See Terrance Fidler's personal news.
Feel free to add categories or reorganize this page. This is just a start.
- April 4/05 Someone recently commented to me that perhaps instead of fully automating them I should consider have someone aid the robot. In particular he thought I could hire some physcially challenged people to help control them and provide jobs. Not practical on a one to one basis due to the economics, BUT that could be feasible if one person could help control four or more. Something to consider. And of course would reduce some of the design issues and bring them into existence and use sooner.
- Was looking at a very efficient herbicide sprayer. May be patentable, but after having investigated further more research will have to be done into who could use it - as the herbicide industry uses them at ALL times and not just at the times we would hope they'd use them. So, until I can actually find the right farmers and inspect the fields my self this project will have to wait. Its potential is great, but I neither have the
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